Board Member Role Descriptions
1) President – shall organize location for general meetings, preside over meetings, obtain approval from Buckeye Local Schools for the use of the fields, function as a delegate of communications with vendors and outside agencies, call a vote after a motion is made, support directors and other board members as issues are escalated. The President may enter into contracts with vendors after a board majority vote and with the second signature of the Treasurer.
2) Vice-President – shall complete all activities the president is unable to attend and should the president no longer be able to assume his duties, Vice-President shall step in the role of President.
3) Treasurer – shall be the second signer on all contracts, keep ledgers up to date, file tax forms and other legal documents as required by local, State and Federal agency requirements, acquire insurance quotes annually, prepare financial statements for meetings
4) Secretary – shall keep the minutes of each general meeting, draft agenda, maintain records of BSA, distribute agenda and previous meeting minutes prior to the next meeting
5) Registrar(s) – shall gather and distribute information about team registration from player parents to league and Board Member as necessary to create teams, order uniforms and trophies for the rec program, registration of coaches. BSA can have a registrar for Rec as well as Travel programs. In the absence of Registrar, the Rec or Travel directors will assume the responsibilities of registrar for the associated program.
6) Director of Grounds/ Facilities – shall survey the fields and make recommendations to the Board for improvements or additions, supervise maintenance of the fields
7) Rec Directors – shall roster teams, assign coaches as needed, distribute and collect equipment from coaches as needed, make game schedules, coordinate with communities to create game schedules and refs, coordinate ref fees with the treasurer, distribute trophies, and uniforms, communicate with parents as needed and on a regular basis.
8) Travel Directors – Shall assign coaches and teams as needed, distribute and collect equipment from coaches as needed, organize and structure tryouts, work with associate league such as Ohio Travel Soccer to register teams and coaches and maintain relationship with league, declare teams, promote tournaments, schedule games, coordinate ref fees with treasurer, distribute trophies as needed, order uniforms for travel players, communicate with parents as needed and on a regular basis
9) Director of Communications – shall manage all social media postings, website updates, administrator of TeamSnap or other approved communication tools between parents and coaches
10) Director of Coaching - shall plan and manage coaches training, education, identify coaching needs, help coaches sustain teams as they grow through the BSA program.
BSA Board Openings
We have the following open positions as of 8/25/23 for immediate fill:
Vice President
Travel Registrar
U10-U15 Rec Director
Director of Communications
Dir. of Field Maintenance
A description for this role can be found above. If you are interested in this role, please contact our Interim President, Brett Thomas at
(Open Position)
(Open Position)
Travel Registrar
(Open Position)
(Open Position)
Boys Travel Dir.
(Open Position)
Girls Travel Dir.
(Open Position)

U10-U15 Rec. Dir.
(Open Position)
Dir. of Communications
(Open Position)