Buckeye Soccer Association Bylaws

BSA Bylaws 2021

Article I

Officers/ Directors

  1. Buckeye Soccer Association (BSA) shall be governed by a Board of Directors with equal vote and standing within the Association. The responsibilities are defined in this document with no member having greater power than the other.
  1. President – shall organize location for general meetings, preside over meetings, obtain approval from Buckeye Local Schools for the use of the fields, function as a delegate of communications with vendors and outside agencies, call a vote after a motion is made, support directors and other board members as issues are escalated. The President may enter into contracts with vendors after a board majority vote and with the second signature of the Treasurer.
  2. Vice-President – shall complete all activities the president is unable to attend and should the president no longer be able to assume his duties, Vice-President shall step in the role of President.
  3. Treasurer – shall be the second signer on all contracts, keep ledgers up to date, file tax forms and other legal documents as required by local, State and Federal agency requirements, acquire insurance quotes annually, prepare financial statements for meetings
  4. Secretary – shall keep the minutes of each general meeting, draft agenda, maintain records of BSA, distribute agenda and previous meeting minutes prior to the next meeting
  5. Registrar(s) – shall gather and distribute information about team registration from player parents to league and Board Member as necessary to create teams, order uniforms and trophies for the rec program, registration of coaches. BSA can have a registrar for Rec as well as Travel programs. In the absence of Registrar, the Rec or Travel directors will assume the responsibilities of registrar for the associated program.
  6. Director of Grounds/ Facilities – shall survey the fields and make recommendations to the Board for improvements or additions, supervise maintenance of the fields
  7. Rec Directors – shall roster teams, assign coaches as needed, distribute and collect equipment from coaches as needed, make game schedules, coordinate with communities to create game schedules and refs, coordinate ref fees with the treasurer, distribute trophies, and uniforms, communicate with parents as needed and on a regular basis.
  8. Travel Directors – Shall assign coaches and teams as needed, distribute and collect equipment from coaches as needed, organize and structure tryouts, work with associate league such as Ohio Travel Soccer to register teams and coaches and maintain relationship with league, declare teams, promote tournaments, schedule games, coordinate ref fees with treasurer, distribute trophies as needed, order uniforms for travel players, communicate with parents as needed and on a regular basis
  9. Communications Director – shall manage all social media postings, website updates, administrator of TeamSnap or other approved communication tools between parents and coaches
  10. Director of Coaching - shall plan and manage coaches training, education, identify coaching needs, help coaches sustain teams as they grow through the BSA program.
  1. BSA is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching and promoting the game of soccer in the Buckeye Local School District.
  2. The general duty of the board is to establish operational polices as necessary to maintain a soccer program as follows
  1. Shall hold money and property of the Association
  2. Shall have general duties and powers of fiduciaries and shall have full power and authority to manage, direct and control the business and activities of the Association.
  3. Audit of the books, accounts and records of the Association will be conducted as directed by the board at least annually
  4. maintain membership with other organizations to provide league play
  5. Approve yearly budget reviewed and voted on each January
  6. Make decisions to improve, remove and or add to league program and procedures
  7. Appoint all volunteers as necessary to run the program


Article II

Qualifications, Nominations, Terms and Elections

  1. Any member of BSA in good standing may be nominated for office. Good standing shall be defined as: the privileges of membership having not been suspended as a result of breaking the rules of BSA, Buckeye Local School District or associated League BSA is currently enrolled.
  2. The prerequisite to the office of the President is one (1) full year served as a member of the Board. If no qualified member is available, then an open election shall be held. This office is held for one year.
  3. Treasurer position shall maintain a financial licensing such as CPA or similar or will maintain a bond paid by BSA. This office is held for one year.
  4. Soccer Directors shall have alternating voting cycles.

1) The Travel Directors will be elected in alternating even and odd years

2) The Rec Directors will be elected in alternating even and odd years.

  1. The Secretary, Technology Director positions shall be held for one year.
  2. Registrar shall be a one-year term unless there are two registers. If two are in the board then they shall be alternating years. The Rec Registrar will be in odd years and the Travel Registrar shall be in even years.
  3. Election of the Board shall be held in November and the elected official shall take office the following January. If there are multiple candidates for a Board position, a ballot vote shall be held.
  4. Each October, before the general meeting a posting on social media and BSA website must be made announcing any positions open for re-election at the upcoming November meeting.
  5. Any voting member can nominate a qualified person for an open position at either the October or November meeting.
  6. Candidate will be successfully elected if chosen by the majority of voters present
  7. Vacancies can be filled at any time of the year with a majority vote. A current board member may hold two positions until one can be filled. He or she is only entitled to one vote while holding two positions.


Articles III

Membership and Voting Rights

  1. Classes of Membership – the association shall have two classes of members. The designation of such classes and classification and rights of membership shall be as follows:
  1. Voting members – members holding a board of directors’ office position, having previously been voted into office. Non-voting member can become a voting member with one half (1/2) vote if he or she attends two of the previous board meetings. This member is also entitled to bring a motion to vote after becoming a voting member.
  2. Non-voting members – All members of the BSA community such as players, coaches, parents, school board and invested community.
  1. Terminations of membership – the board, by affirmative majority vote of members of the board, may suspend or expel a member for cause after an appropriate hearing.
  2. All matters requiring a vote, must first hold discussion at a meeting and then a motion can be made at next meeting. The President can then call a vote on the matter.


Article IV

Meetings of Membership and Voting Process

  1. The Board will hold eleven (11) general meetings between January and November, without a meeting held in December.

1) Meetings will be scheduled in advance and

2) all meetings require posting the date, time, and location of the meeting on the BSA website and social media no later than two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date.

3) In the absence of a scheduled meeting posting, the Secretary has power to assign a date for the next meeting to meet the requirement of the posted meeting date. The Secretary will work in conjunction with the Communications Director to ensure the notice of next meeting is issued timely and in compliance with the bylaws.


  1. In the absence of ability for in-person meeting due to weather events or other unforeseen events preventing an in-person meeting, a digital meeting may be called to order. The digital meeting will have all rights and responsibilities of an in-person meeting.
  2. BSA reserves the right to a closed-door meeting when discussing disciplinary action, confidential information involving a coach/ member or matters involving a child.
  3. Any voting member may bring a motion to the board but must be second (2nd) by another voting member prior to the President calling the matter to a vote.
  4. Emergency meetings can be called by any board member but cannot take place any sooner than three (3) days’ notice to all voting members. A good faith effort must be made to contact all voting members prior to this meeting. A topic for motion maybe discussed and presented to the Board and can be called to vote no sooner than three (3) days after emergency meeting.


Article V

Sub - Committees

Subcommittees shall be appointed by the Board to research and provide recommendations to the board on specific topics. Committees can also organize events and fundraisers, but do not have authority to act independently unless otherwise approved by majority vote of the board.


Article VI


A sub-committee will be created each year for the purpose of creating fees for Rec and Travel soccer programs. Fees shall be recommended from a subcommittee to the Board between the Fall and Spring sessions of soccer. The board must vote to accept the recommendation or send back to committee. If the board is unable to approval fees for the incoming fall session prior to the end of April each year, fees will remain the same as previous year until recommendation and majority vote approve fee change.


Article VII


Any BSA Board Member, Coach or Director may be removed by the Board for cause, after reasonable notice, hearing and reasonable opportunity to present one’s case. Removal shall require majority vote of the Board. The Member, Coach or Director being considered for removal shall not vote. Removal of a Member, Coach or Director also simultaneously removes the individual from all other positions and memberships within BSA.


Article VIII


Upon dissolution of the BSA the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of BSA, distribute the remaining assets in furtherance of one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, as the board shall determine. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of Medina County which the principal office of the BSA is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes.




The bylaws of the association may be amended, repealed, added to, or new regulations may be adopted by an affirmative majority vote of voting members present. The amendment of these regulations shall take place at any regular meeting. Any amendments proffered must be submitted in writing to the board members. The proffered amendment shall be read at the next meeting and voted upon after reading at the second (2nd) meeting. A waiving of the second (2nd) reading can be agreed upon by majority vote.