Sign-ups are here!!!! You can get a registration form online from
the link above. There will be open registration on June 18 - 21
during soccer camp from 6 - 8 p.m. at the fields. The
deadline for registration for Fall session will be July 12, 2007.
A $20 late fee will apply for any registrations postmarked after July
12. Also players will be placed on a waiting list.
Registration forms available on-line.
What you need: Copy of Birth Certificate, medical insurance
information, and registration fee.
If your child is 4 or older you may register
him or her to play by mail. Just fill out a registration form, write a
check or money order (payable to Buckeye Soccer Assoc.) and mail it to:
Buckeye Soccer Association
P.O. Box 195
Valley City, OH 44280
For more information contact: Monica Lakota @ (440) 371-2383 or
Buckeye Soccer Association will be holding tryouts for
Boys and Girls Travel Soccer for the 2007/2008 season at the soccer
fields behind Buckeye High School in June 7, 2007.
What is a "travel" soccer team, and how is it different from
"recreational" and "premier" teams?
There are three basic types of organized soccer leagues available to
children before Middle School; recreational, travel and premier.
Recreational leagues typically consists of teams of children from the
same community. Recreational teams usually are coached by parents of
children on the teams. Many of you have children playing in the Buckeye
Soccer Association's Instructional and Recreations League on Saturdays
during the school year. That is a good example of a community
recreational league.
Travel soccer teams generally consist of children from the same
community who play travel teams from other communities. Travel leagues
usually are significantly more competitive than recreational leagues.
Practices are twice a week and players are expected to make every
practice as well as every game. Travel teams will participate in 1
or more local tournaments each session, Fall & Spring. Travel
teams are coached by certified coaches.
Premier teams consist of children from different communities. Premier
teams usually play other premier teams and some travel teams, and they
tend to be coached by professional coaches. Most premier clubs are
operated on a for profit basis. The monetary and time investment is
significant. Some premier teams face a level of competition that
is significantly greater than that faced by travel teams.
If you want to sign-up a player, send in a
registration form (available at each elementary school office, or by
contacting Monica Lakota (330.721.8771) to:
Buckeye Soccer Association
P.O. Box 195
Valley City, OH 44280