Registration -  Fees

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Registration Recreational Fees

New Player � U10 and up (Single Session, Fall or Spring)

$55, uniform cost included



New Player � U10 and up (Both Sessions)

$65, uniform cost included



Adding Spring Session � U10 and up (Fall Only Players)




New Player � U6 and U8 (Single Session, Fall or Spring)

$35, uniform cost included



New Player � U6 and U8 (Both Sessions)

$45, uniform cost included



Adding Spring Session � U6 and U8 (Fall Only Players)


For each additional sibling registered there is a $10 reduction for U10 - U14 or $5 reduction for U6 and U8.  
There will be a $20 late registration fee for any signups after the registration deadline of July 12, 2007  

Returned Check Fee



Registration Travel Fees

New Player (Fall and Spring)

$75, plus uniform cost



Double Card a Player

$25, additional to original registration. If the second team requires a different uniform, them add uniform cost



REC Player Transfer (Spring Only, played REC in the Fall, signed up for both sessions and wants to play travel only)

$50, plus uniform cost



New Player (Spring Only)

$65, plus uniform cost



REC Player Transfer (Spring Only, played REC in Fall, signed up for both sessions and wants to play both REC and Travel)

$65, plus uniform cost