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Topic: Re:Many thanks to years of service from an outstanding man !!
Posted by: Bill Maul
Date/Time: 4/12/2007 3:34:05 PM
Message: Its been a pleasure. This is a great organization with a lot of wonderful folks investing time, sweat and money so that kids in our area can enjoy soccer. I have enjoyed looking out across the fields at practices and games, seeing the kids playing and knowing I had a small part in making that happen.

My hope is that the association continues to thrive and with the people taking my place, I know it will.


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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Many thanks to years of service from an outstanding man !!3/17/2007 12:33:18 PMBridgette Joyce
     Re:Many thanks to years of service from an outstanding man !!4/12/2007 3:34:05 PMBill Maul

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