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Print out forms ahead of time and bring them to tryouts already complete.  [Click Forms]
Buckeye Soccer Association is holding tryouts for Boys and Girls Travel Soccer for the 2006/2007 season on Wednesday, June 7, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. at the soccer fields behind Buckeye High School. If you cannot attend this date, please contact an individual below for other arrangements.
 [Click for a printable flyer]
What: Buckeye Soccer Association, Boys and Girls Travel Soccer Tryouts
The Travel program is designed to prepare athletes for high school soccer by providing fun, instructive athletic activity. Every player must tryout, including current travel players. Games are typically played on Sunday afternoons with possibly one or two weeknight games per season with other local teams. AASL and NOGSL are proud members of the Ohio Youth Soccer Association North (OYSAN)
What to Bring: Copy of Birth Certificate, social security number, medical insurance information, one wallet size picture, registration fee ($75 first child, $65 for second child, plus uniform fee) soccer ball, water. Parent/Guardian must sign a medical release form the night of tryouts for the child to participate.

Boys Travel:  Tim Joyce:  (330) 723-2676 or Matt and Shelly Patera:  (330)721-6623
Girls Travel:  Todd Giesen:  home: (330) 723-2427 or business:  (330) 725-2424
Patrick Miranda:  (330) 483-4512


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 � 6:00 p.m.
         U8/U9 age group � arrive at 6:00 p.m.
         U10/U11 age group � arrive at 6:45 p.m.
         U12/U14 age group - arrive at 7:30 p.m.

Where: Soccer Fields Behind Buckeye High School

Each age group tryout should last approximately 1.5 hours.

Age group is determined by child�s age as of Aug. 1, 2006.


Buckeye Boys Travel Soccer is a member of the American Amature Soccer League ( The AASL is a community based, competitive travel soccer league serving over forty communities in the northern half of Ohio. Communities range from as far west as Sandusky, east to Mentor and south to Wooster. Tryouts for ages U8 through U14 are being offered for the fall and spring seasons.
Buckeye Girls Travel Soccer is a member of the Northern Ohio Girls Soccer League ( The purpose of the NOGSL is to organize and promote soccer through our community team membership and our Premier Clubs for female youth and to encourage and monitor good sportsmanship, fair play, and the continued soccer education of our players, coaches, and league administrators. Soccer tryouts will be held for girls U9 through U14 teams for the Fall 2006/2007 Spring season.