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*Sign-up now for Fall Soccer.  Open registration will be Jun 18 - 21 during soccer camp from 6 - 8 p.m. up at the fields.

*Buckeye Soccer Camp will be June 18 - 21, 2007 up at the fields  Click on the camp information above for all the details.


*Fall session begins with our first Game on Sat. August 25.  No games Labor Day Weekend.  The majority of games are Saturdays with occasional week night games.


*Monthly meetings held first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm.  Suggestions are always welcome please try to attend at least a couple a year.


*First games have been rescheduled for April 21. For coaches that are coaching two teams, please check your schedule and make adjustments by contacting the other coach before the season starts.  Please contact your kids as soon as you get rosters, it saves a lot of phone calls and emails to the association.  Even if there is not a practice schedule set, let these kids know that they are on your team and of the first game date.


*Uniforms have been ordered and will be able for delivery before the first games.  Kathy Setliff will be handling uniforms.  The uniforms will be able to picked up at her house at a date to be announced.


*Ball bags will be available for pickup at a date and time to be announced.


*Picture day is May 1 at Valley City Fire Station.  Times to be announced.


*Field day is Saturday March 31st at 9:30 am.  Many hands make light work.  Please try to attend if you can, even if you can't make it right at 9:30 or stay the whole time.  Any amount of time you can volunteer would be greatly appreciated.


*Soccer Shootout is going to happen.  Date will be announced.  This was a tremendous fundraiser for the fall with only a little over 100 children participating.  Imagine what we could do with more children participating.  Fundraising helps with field maintenance, equipment supplies and replacements and to help keep our cost down for registration. 

*We are very excited that we have two people that are willing to step up and be coaching coordinators for the association.  If there are  any problems that cannot be fixed between coaches and parents or between two coaches throughout the season, please contact Tom Petek at 440-653-1827 or Angela Graff 330-648-2864.  They would be more than happy to work with you to get the situation corrected.