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*Monthly meetings held first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm.  Suggestions are always welcome please try to attend at least a couple a year.


*First games have been rescheduled for April 21. For coaches that are coaching two teams, please check your schedule and make adjustments by contacting the other coach before the season starts.  Please contact your kids as soon as you get rosters, it saves a lot of phone calls and emails to the association.  Even if there is not a practice schedule set, let these kids know that they are on your team and of the first game date.


*Uniforms have been ordered and will be able for delivery before the first games.  Kathy Setliff will be handling uniforms.  The uniforms will be able to picked up at her house at a date to be announced.


*Ball bags will be available for pickup at a date and time to be announced.


*Picture day is May 1 at Valley City Fire Station.  Times to be announced.


*Field day is Saturday March 31st at 9:30 am.  Many hands make light work.  Please try to attend if you can, even if you can't make it right at 9:30 or stay the whole time.  Any amount of time you can volunteer would be greatly appreciated.


*Soccer Shootout is going to happen.  Date will be announced.  This was a tremendous fundraiser for the fall with only a little over 100 children participating.  Imagine what we could do with more children participating.  Fundraising helps with field maintenance, equipment supplies and replacements and to help keep our cost down for registration. 

*We are very excited that we have two people that are willing to step up and be coaching coordinators for the association.  If there are  any problems that cannot be fixed between coaches and parents or between two coaches throughout the season, please contact Tom Petek at 440-653-1827 or Angela Graff 330-648-2864.  They would be more than happy to work with you to get the situation corrected.

2007 News from Buckeye Soccer Association

February Meeting has been scheduled for February 15, 2007, at 7:30 pm at the Play N-Grow Child Development Center, 3940 Avon Lake Road, "on the Litchfield Circle, behind the church".

Signups are here!!!!!. You can get a registration form online at There will be no open registration date. All registration is handled via mail. The deadline for registration for Spring session will be February 25th, 2007.

The soccer board meets the first Wednesday of every month (7:30pm @York Town Hall) --- we would like to have past/present and future coaches attend. Parents are welcome to attend as well as it is nice to get a feel for what the community would like for the kids.

In January the Board was scheduled to have elections. The elections had to be postponed because there were only 5 adults and 2 children present at the meeting. We need help, folks!!!!! Sadly, our league President, Bill Maul, will be stepping down from his position.

We have several positions open and available�..more importantly, the organization cannot run without these governing positions. I have elected to spell out some of the responsibilities below, it would be TREMENDOUS if there were multiple parents to participate, thus overall lightening the load. We realize that it might be impossible to make every meeting, but realistically every other month would be grand! We do not have meetings in July and December so 8 months of meetings, once a month for 2 hours per night. Could you make 5 of them?

President- the cushy job. - The president shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the trustees, at the annual meeting, and at all special meetings of trustees and general membership meetings. The president may sign, with the secretary, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments that the Board of Trustees authorizes to be executed.

Vice President- The vice-president shall perform all of the duties of the president in the case of the absence, death, or disability of the president and in that capacity may perform all of the duties and have all of the same responsibilities as a president. The vice-president shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the president or by the Board of Trustees. Currently I, Monica Lakota, hold this position but if you want it I will take another one- I am not partial and there is always something to do.

Registrar- responsible for gathering the recreation registration, recording information into EXCEL spreadsheet format, collecting and recording registration payments, transferring payment to treasurer and submitting registration information all soccer forms to OYSAN (Ohio Youth Soccer North) this has to be done twice per year. The submitting takes place online so ideally this candidate would have access to the Internet. This will be done twice a year, once in the winter (January to April) and once in the spring (May to August)

Trophy Coordinator- In the past a truly disastrous job! However, we have revamped the entire method of this process. You would be the liaison between the player and Crown Trophy. It is a busy job, but the good news is that it only lasts for about 3 weeks. And I am confident that with the changes that have been made it will get easier each time.

Travel Coordinator- This person will be the liaison between the coaches, parents, players and the Board. Basically, I would like to see a semi- neutral person here to act as a sounding board. Ideally, this WOULD NOT be a coach. But at this point we aren�t choosey.

Recreation Coordinator-This position will require placing players on teams. Setting up coaches and teams. It is a lot of work at the start of the season, but once it is up and running it is over. Currently I, Monica Lakota, hold this position as well-----but if you want it I will take another one. This person will be the liaison between the coaches, parents, players and the board. Again, I would like to see a semi- neutral person here to act as a sounding board. Ideally, this WOULD NOT be a coach, but again we are accepting all candidate!

Fundraising Coordinator- Twice per year you organize and execute the fundraiser of choice. It�s pretty simple, pretty straight forward. It is very labor intense but for a short period of time.

Current held positions�
Treasurer is Tom Bienosek
Secretary is Deb Halupnik

If we do not have people step up to volunteer for these positions the league faces 2 options�.A.) To dissolve and our kids can join in with surrounding communities. B.) We can vote to hire for these positions, which will increase ALL the fees we currently pay.

If you are interested in playing travel soccer for the spring� please contact Girls Coordinator- Todd Giesen 330-723-2427 / 216-408-3598 or Boys Coordinator- Tim Joyce 330-723-2676.
We might not have enough boys to field a U14 team in the fall( 2007-2008) so if you are interested or know of any of your friends that would be interested in travel please contact the correct coordinator or check out the website for information and forms.

The first REC. game will be in April---AFTER April 10th. Please use the website to access this information.

If you are interested in coaching for Spring 2007 please contact Monica at 440-371-2383 or Typically, the spring league is twice the size of the fall-----WE NEED coaches, please. I know this sounds crazy, but it is actually possible to coach 2 teams. We will have a coach�s clinic in March and a CPR class in April. Tom Bienosek is currently working to plan a referee clinic as well. There is a great opportunity to learn and grow with our kids.

Last year�s fundraiser�� Remember the Fall Shoot Out? THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all that participated. We had 105 kids participate and the raised $3,408.34. AMAZING!! Thanks for all the efforts. This has proven to be a more profitable fundraiser than the candy sales, which raised $1,000.00. It was decided at a board meeting that the candy sales would not take place this Spring UNLESS someone stepped forth to manage this function. It is time consuming and labor intensive, but some families prefer it.

Soccer team and individual pictures are Tuesday, May 1st at Valley City Fire Dept.

At the end of the spring season we will discuss the opportunity to have U8 games refereed.

I urge you to take the time and give the time to the children of this community��.they need it. They cannot coach themselves. You do not have to have a child participating in this event to be a part of it. We�d like to see you at the February 7th meeting. If you can�t make it and you have an interest in any of the open positions please contact myself prior to the meeting on the 7th.

Thanks in advance,
Monica Lakota

President, Vice President, Recreation Coordinator