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Player Registration Form PFD Format

Download hardcopy Coaches Kid-Safe Form  PDF Format

or Kid-Safe online - Select BSAI (Buckeye Soccer Association, Inc.) from the League Designation dropdown.

To access the PDF files, you need Acrobat Reader. If you don't have the free plug-in, click the Acrobat
button below to get it.

To Download a PDF Form
1.  Download the Free Adobe Acrobat Software below (if you already have it, proceed to step 3).
     Remember where you save it!
2.  After it has finished downloading, install Adobe Acrobat on your computer.
3.  Click on the link to the form you need below. Allow 1-2 minutes for form to open.
4.  Depending on your browser, the file may open automatically in Adobe Acrobat. If not, save the file to
     your hard drive and open it in Adobe Acrobat. (AOL users will need to save it to the hard drive).
5.  Print the form, fill-out completely and mail to BSA.

Mailing Address:  Buckeye Soccer Association
                            P.O. Box 195
                            Valley City, OH 44280