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Welcome to the Buckeye Soccer Association website.  The Buckeye Soccer Association is a non-profit, volunteer
organization that was founded in 1995.  We are proud members of the Ohio Youth Soccer Association North.  Our membership ranges between 300 - 350.  We hold to the following objectives:

  • organize and promote recreational and competitive travel youth soccer programs for youth up to 14 years of age.
  • encourage good sportsmanship and fair play of all participants
  • provide an opportunity for youths to participate in a positive, safe environment
  • teach the techniques and rules of soccer.

This site has been designed to provide league information to players, coaches, parents and other soccer enthusiasts.  Feel free to contact us so we may work together to offer the best to our youth through the sport of soccer.

Proud Members of:
Ohio Youth Soccer Association North (OYSAN)
American Amateur Soccer League (AASL) - Boys Travel
Northern Ohio Girls Soccer League (NOGSL) - Girls Travel