Welcome to the Buckeye Soccer Association's Recreational League Home Page.
More information, including practice schedules, game schedules, and coach contact information
can be found under each link located at the left for each age group.
The soccer season is from August
through June. The season is comprised of two sessions: the fall
session is played from August through October; and the spring session
is played from April through June. |
Players who register in the fall may
register for the fall and spring sessions at the same time (at a discounted
price). Players who register for the spring session are only registered
for the spring session, and must re-register if they wish to play in
the fall. |
Registration is annual; in that, players must
register every fall for the upcoming soccer season. |
Recreational players are generally defined as
�in-house players� or those who play within their own community. No method is
used to selectively roster players to any team on the basis of talent; a system
of rostering players is used to establish a fair or balanced distribution of
playing talent amount all teams participating. |
Game Formats & Rosters Sizes:
U6 � Children under the age of six as of
August 1 qualify for U6. The teams are co-ed, and are played as 3v3 without
goalkeepers. Maximum roster size of 6. |
U8 � Children under the age of eight as
of August 1 qualify for U8. The teams are co-ed, and played as 4v4 with
goalkeepers. Maximum roster size of 8 |
U10 � Children under the age of ten as of
August 1 qualify for U10. Teams are assigned based on gender, and are played
6v6 (5 field players and a goalkeeper). Maximum roster size of 12. |
U12 � Children under the age of twelve as
of August 1 qualify for U12. Teams are assigned based on gender, and are
played 8v8 (7 field players and a goalkeeper). Maximum roster size of 14. |
U14 � Children under the age of fourteen
as of August 1 qualify for U14. Teams are assigned based on gender, and
are played 11v11(10 field players and a goalkeeper). Maximum roster size of 18. |
Every team must have at least one registered
coach. Any person who coaches must be registered as a coach with that team and
complete and submit the Risk Management form to OYSAN before any contact is made
with the players (ex., practices or games). The Risk Management form must be
submitted online at www.oysan.org. No one under the age of 18 years may coach. |
Registration Guideline:
Buckeye Youth Soccer Association complies with
the Recreational League Registrar Guidelines provided by the OYSAN." |