As dictated by the state of Ohio (revised 3/16/21)
Complete guidelines can be found at
For Players and Coaches
- Players, coaches, athletic trainers, and officials must conduct daily symptom assessments before each practice or game.
- Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
- Coaches must (1) Participate in COVID-19 education developed for them by the Ohio Department of Health, and (2) Educate their players on how to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 using resources provided by the Ohio Department of Health.
- Promote good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
- No congregating before or after practices or games by players, coaches, athletic trainers or officials is permitted.
- Coaches, volunteers, athletic trainers, and officials must wear face coverings at all times, and players must wear face coverings when not on the field or court of play, except for one of the reasons stated in the Director’s Order for Facial Coverings throughout the State of Ohio signed July 23, 2020 or as it may thereafter be amended. Coaches and officials are not required to wear facial coverings when on the field of play during games and practices to allow the use of whistles. (Written justification must be immediately provided to local health officials, upon request, explaining why an athlete, coach, or volunteer is not required to wear a facial covering when not on the field of play.)
- Players, volunteers, coaches, athletic trainers, and officials must strictly follow Ohio’s face coverings order when out in public in order to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 and potentially spreading it during sports activities.
- Coaches must have a parent/volunteer help monitor/ ensure social distancing on teams of young children.
- Coaches shall identify players at higher risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19, such as those with asthma, diabetes or other health problems, and take extra precautions to protect them.
- Event sponsors, coaches, and participants must review protocols for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
For Spectators
- Spectators must conduct daily symptom assessments.
- Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.Family members must sit together, socially distanced from other individuals/family groups.
- Six-feet social distancing must be maintained between individuals/family groups.
- No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted.
- Spectators must wear face coverings at all times except for any of the allowable exceptions stated in the Director’s Order for Facial Coverings through out the State of Ohio
For Practices/Games/Tournaments
- Six-feet social distance must be maintained between individuals except when necessary on the field or court of play.
- Players, coaches, and officials are not to physically contact each other before or after practice, pregame and competitive play (i.e., greetings, team huddles, high-fives, congregating, etc.).
- Limit time spent on activities during which players are in close proximity for extended periods of time (e.g., repeatedly practicing corner or penalty kicks in soccer; rebounding drills in basketball).
- Facilities, teams, and clubs must ensure that facilities have adequate space for social distancing for players, coaches, athletic trainers, officials, parents/guardians, and spectators off the field or court of play.
- No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted.
- Prior to competitive tournaments, tournament organizers must notify the local health department.
- If a sports venue allows spectators, personnel from a local health department, the Ohio Department of Health, or any person charged with enforcing the sports order (an “Inspector”) must be allowed access to the venue during the sports event. The sports venue must cooperate with the Inspector in permitting an inspection of the event and venue, and must provide any information requested relating to compliance with the order. If the Inspector determines that the event is not proceeding in compliance with the order, the event shall immediately terminate and all participants and spectators must vacate the sports venue.
- Equipment and personal items must have proper separation and must not be shared. If equipment must be shared, proper sanitation must be performed between users.
- Do not share towels or facial coverings.
- Do not share water bottles or other drinks.
- Do not share food.